Christopher Jones resides in Dothan, Alabama with his wife Sophia. They have two children, a daughter Christina and son Christopher (Savoy). On February 5, 2013, the family’s lives were forever changed in an unimaginable way. For reasons still unknown today, their son and brother Savoy Jones passed away that night. Savoy was 15 years old, and collapsed during basketball practice; however, he never lost consciousness. The coaching staff called 911, and when the ambulance arrived, they transported Savoy to the nearest hospital and several hours later, Savoy Jones passed away. We were completely devastated, and not a day goes by he is not thought of and missed! Christopher Jones and the Jones family embark on a mission to keep alive the legacy and memory of their beloved son and brother, Christopher Savoy Jones. The Jones family recruited friends and other family members to help establish the Savoy Jones Benefit Foundation.
In 2013, the Savoy Jones Benefit Foundation was founded and since then has provided educational opportunities, through the awarding of scholarships coupled with leadership development opportunities to highly motivated college students with financial need.
It was evident to all who knew Savoy that his faith in God was strong. Therefore, to continue the impact Savoy had while he was a student at Emmanuel Christian School, Chris, Sophia, and Christina Jones, host an Annual Savoy Jones Benefit Golf Event in honor of Savoy to provide scholarships, and in addition, supports Jeep Sullivan’s Wounded Warrior Outdoor Adventures project (, New Promise Cancer Foundation (, Time Youth Dothan (, and the House of Ruth Southeast Alabama ( With the establishment of the Savoy Jones Benefit Foundation, we will continue to help develop the next generation of leaders.